Soul Source is a community R&B Band led by Nick La Riviere.

This page exists so band members can check out a recording we made ‘live off the floor’ in 2018. For more recent info on Soul Source check out their Facebook page. Or have a look at these videos made during the pandemic.

  1. Rhythm of the Night 4:08
  2. I Wanna Dance With Somebody 4:52
  3. Diggin on JB 4:50
  4. September 4:04
  5. Something's Got a Hold 4:43

The musicians on the recording are:
Vocals: Lauren Marhsall, Heather La Riviere, Alex Berg, Jessica Graham
Saxes: Cori Hossack, Jay Jennings, Red Eccleston, Sonny Wilson, Bryan Wilson
Trumpets: Bill Roland, Frank May, Richard Jones
Trombone: Nick La Riviere
Guitars: Corey Fenster, David Walker
Keyboard/Vocals: Alli Bean
Bass: Lindsay Ward
Drums/Percussion: Ben James-Groom, Jeff McEown, Sonny Wilson

Mixed and edited by Ben James-Groom and Nick La Riviere

Want to download mp3s instead of using the web player? Click here.

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For educational purposes only, this music belongs to it’s respective copyright holders, and can be removed at their request.